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Do I Need Three-Phase Power Supply?


Three-phase power supply is a common method of electric power transmission. However, the question that most of the homeowners have is “Do I need three phase power supply?” To be able to answer this question, we should first know the difference between single phase and three phase power supply. Only then we will be able to make informed decision to have the peace of mind.


Here is the difference between ‘single phase’ and ‘three phase’ power systems.


Single phase system is the one in which the current flows between one power wire and one neutral wire. It delivers voltage in a complete cycle of 360-degree. Single phase systems may vary as the power generated in it is not constant throughout. Also, the magnitude and flow of current keep changing in a single phase system about every 60 seconds depending upon the particular need of a home. 

On the other hand, the three phase power system consists of three power wires. Each of the wire is set at a 120-degree differential to each other to complete the 360-degree circuit. All of the three phases reach their peak points at different time. As a result, the supply of power becomes more constant. So, a three phase power system definitely has more load capacity than a single phase alternative.

After understanding the difference between single and three power phases, the point to ponder is whether ‘you’ need a three phase power supply for your residential or commercial building or not. It depends upon your particular needs and requirements that how much power supply you need to run your electrical appliances. 

For instance, if you are dealing in industrial, manufacturing, or larger businesses, you will need three phase supply to keep the workflow smoother. But if you want to choose a power system for your smaller sized home, you should prefer to have a single power supply that is less costly. Moreover, the design of single power system is less complicated than three phase power supply.

With the above knowledge, most of the people will be inclined towards having a three phase power supply to enjoy its additional benefits. However, you should be clear beforehand about what you are going to use it for. If you need a power supply of up to 1000 watts, you must better go for a single phase power supply. But let’s assume that you want to create a safe work environment for your employees in addition to having the constant power supply, in that case, you can switch to the three phase power supply because of its ability to deliver high power loads.

You can also hire an electrical engineer who can recommend you the best solution to maximize the efficiency and reduce the cost. Since it all depends upon the power need, a professional expert can help you identify what power system you should choose. Also, he can help you design the unit with proper care and attention to ensure its reliability and performance level in the long run.

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